
Download new flash player mac
Download new flash player mac

download new flash player mac

  • Improved support for high resolution displays on Firefox for Windows Beginning with Flash Player version 24 and Firefox version 51 on Windows, Flash content will now scale appropriately on high resolution displays.
  • These settings will be visible in the Global settings Manager. Users can now allow camera and microphone access for a domain when that content is served via HTTPS, and disallow the access when content from the domain is served over HTTP.
  • Separate HTTP and HTTPS permissions for Camera and Microphone To provide users with a better control over their camera and microphone data, Flash Player now provides a more fine-grained control over how permissions are granted.
  • This feature is supported on Desktop and Android devices. This feature supports equirectangular projection type of videos conforming to. Spherical videos have a specific meta-data attached to them, which can now be retrieved using the new property provided by the feature.
  • Spherical video support in Flash and AIR Spherical videos support is added to both Flash Player and AIR from version 24 onward.
  • De release notes voor deze uitgave zijn hieronder te vinden.

    download new flash player mac

    Adobe AIR biedt een crossplatform-omgeving voor het ontwikkelen en afspelen van zogeheten Rich Internet Applications. Onder meer populaire videosites als YouTube en Google Video bieden hun bezoekers de mogelijkheid om video's met de stand-alone-Flash Player af te spelen. Met Adobe Flash Player is het mogelijk om Flash-content, voornamelijk swf-bestanden, op de computer af te spelen. Adobe heeft versie 24 uitgebracht van Flash Player en de Integrated Runtime.

    Download new flash player mac